Zone In
by Soraya Silvestri
Original - Sold
Not Specified
40.000 x 32.000 x 1.500 inches
This piece has been already sold. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Comments (11)
Joel Bruce Wallach
This cosmic work has bold dynamic momentum, Soraya, and yet it is calming to contemplate!
Soraya Silvestri
Thank you very much Al. I very much appreciate your comments. I will add the paintings you suggested.
Al Fresko
7/6/2015. Dear Ms. Silvestri: Thank you for joining Ideart euFOURia. Your paintings are very powerful & imaginative. I have placed the three images you have already submitted onto our Home Page. Having looked at your portfolio, I would also encourage you to submit the following paintings as well: 1. Keep Trying, 2. Holy Cow, 3. Hot, 4. Mystical, 5. Raindance, 5. Zone In, 6. Too Enthralled, & 7. Revelation. Welcome to our group! Al Fresko, group administrator. P.S. You may submit all of the paintings referred to above at one time if you like. AF
Soraya Silvestri replied:
Thank you very much Al. I will post the paintings as you suggested. Much appreciated.